Powering research

We are proud to fund innovative research to combat some of the most significant health problems of our time. By enabling scientists and researchers to advance their research and education, we are supporting discoveries that can be truly life-changing for the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Professor Anil Dhawan, wearing a grey suit and blue tie, standing in a hospital corridor and smiling.

Excellence in paediatric liver research

Modern medicine can now save the lives of more children with liver disease than ever before. But that’s not enough for researchers at our paediatric research laboratories, the MowatLabs. They want to find ways to improve the quality of life for children, too.
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Transforming treatments and outcomes for patients with epilepsy

Thanks to the generous support of the Charles Sykes Memorial Fund, we were able to invest £80,000 to help improve treatment and outcomes for patients with epilepsy.
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Creating time for life-changing neurosurgery research

Great progress has been made since we provided funding to give consultant neurosurgeon, Mr Aminul Ahmed, protected time to research ways to improve outcomes for patients with traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury.