Before you start
- Please speak to the Charity's grants team to discuss your idea before you get started on the application. As with small grants, it's important to understand how our designated funds work.
- Watch the tutorial video below with top tips on completing your application.
The application process
After submission, all large grant applications go to the relevant Fund Advisor for Trust approval, and then on to the deputy director, director of operations or equivalent senior King's staff member pertinent to your care group.
- Large Grants of £5-20k will be reviewed by the Charity grants team and approved by the Director of Grants & Insight.
- Large Grants over £20-50k will be reviewed by the Charity grants team and approved by the Director of Grants & Insight and CEO.
- Large Grants over £50k will need to be reviewed and then taken to the Board of Trustees for final approval. The Board sits quarterly, but we will need plenty of time to prepare Board papers and submit. Please talk to us about this process.
The charity will be closed from 22 December 2023 to 2 January 2024. The deadline to submit requests under 50k via the large grant forms for approval is 20 November 2023 to ensure the charity has sufficient time to process the request before Christmas. Requests made after this deadline and applications over 50k will be approved in the new year.
Applying for a large grant
Watch this video before applying for a large grant, to give your application the best chance of success.