Developing services

Making the best care possible involves working in partnership with King’s over many years, initiating projects and funding staff posts to achieve a transformative impact. We can then generate the momentum and evidence required for King’s to take the work forward to maximise long-term benefits for patients.
Picture of five members of King's psychosocial team standing outside the critcal care unit

Funding a new service to meet the needs of critical care patients

We were able to provide the funding to get King's psychosocial team up and running a few years ago - and they've not stopped striding forward to improve treatment for patients in critical care.
Picture of a child holding a teddy in hospital

Developing King's first dedicated palliative care service for children

Despite excellence in care and clinical outcomes, King's had no dedicated service to provide a co-ordinated response to the complex requirements of children and young people with palliative care needs. Thanks to the True Colours Trust, we were able to start meeting that vital need.