After receiving your Grant, it’s vital that you keep us informed about your progress. We will agree with you set dates for reporting back, so we are kept up to date on progress, how you’ve spent your Grant, and the difference it’s made. This is very important to our donors.
This reporting helps us learn how we can support you better in the future and show our donors how we’ve used their money to make a real difference.
To make it easy, we have developed an Impact Report template for Large Grants over £5k covering all the aspects of your Grant. You can access this template here.
Impact reporting template
We need to know from the following perspectives:
- Achievements against milestones and objectives.
- Activities, outputs and outcomes.
- Lessons learnt; lessons shared.
- Plans for sustainability.
- Wider impact and success.
We will also ask for a financial account setting out the actual expenditure of the Grant against the budget set out in the application.
Be as honest as you can. We understand that sometimes things don’t go according to plan, and we don’t just want to hear about your successes and achievements. We also want to know what you’ve learnt and how lessons have been shared to maximise the impact of our Grants. Your feedback can also improve our processes and provide better support for others in the future.
For major projects, we may ask that a Steering Group is formed to ensure implementation goes as smoothly as possible and that a broad audience learns from the project.
For smaller grants, we ask that you tell us:
- That goods arrived safely and have been installed/used.
- Any stories about how something helped.
Please provide any photos, case studies, quotes, feedback or stories of patients or staff who have benefited from the project and how. This is essential to help our fundraising efforts, without which Grants would not be possible.
Please Note: This information may be used in our communication materials, so please ensure consent has been obtained from patients, families or staff before any identifying information is shared and they understand how the information may be used and that we may contact them. If this is not possible, please ensure details are anonymised and alert us that consent has not been obtained.