Story 14 March 2024

Miles for Maternity!

Hospital Heroes Debbie and Clare have swapped their scrubs for sports shoes as they train for the iconic London Landmarks Half Marathon, raising funds to transform the Oasis Birthing Centre at the PRUH.
Two women (Debbie and Clare) in hospital scrubs holding up a King's College Hospital Charity running vest and smiling at the camera

To all those who watch one born every minute and think that midwifery involves eating a lot of cake and drinking a lot of tea, Clare and Debbie are here to prove us all wrong.

Neither one of them would call themselves 'runners', however, that didn't stop them from signing up to tackle the streets (whatever the weather) at the iconic London Landmarks Half Marathon on Sunday 7th April!

After dusting off their trainers, Clare and Debbie threw themselves into training! A few blisters and bumps in the road later, not to mention the mental challenge of braving the cold weather to run after a busy shift, they feel (almost) ready for race day. 

Donate to Clare!

Donate to Debbie! 

We may have to start and stop a few times on the day, but we still have 4 weeks of training to go and are 100% dedicated to this challenge and all for a very good cause.

Their motivation (other than a cup of tea and a slice of cake at the end) is to raise money to transform the current Oasis birth centre at the Princess Royal University Hospital into a welcoming, peaceful, serene and empowering space where pregnant people can birth their babies with joy and positivity! 

Room 12 on the Oasis Birth Centre is currently a very clinical area, with blank white walls and an uninspiring ‘hospital feel’. And so Debbie and Clare want this to be the first room to receive the makeover, which they are calling 'from bare to beautiful!'

This is such an exciting project, and something that will benefit so many expectant and new families in the community

As well as sprucing up the space, Debbie and Clare want to raise money for state-of-the-art facilities that will support mothers in having a physiological birthing experience. 

The new space will include equipment such as the multi-trac birth system to support upright and mobile positions in labour, new lighting and sound equipment and fresh vinyl wall coverings.
Your donation (however big or small) to this wonderful project will help us to improve the birthing experiences of so many pregnant family members, friends and neighbours in our community! We thank you all in advance for your support and encouragement, and cannot wait to show you the end results!!  The room make-over, not our blisters!
Runner at the London Landmarks Half Marathon

Get involved!

Inspired by Clare and Debbie? Why not follow in their footsteps and take on the 2025 London Landmarks Half Marathon for Team King's? Register your interest today!

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