Story 14 September 2023

The Great Hospital Hike - In loving memory of Mia

Mia tragically passed away on the 5th of January 2023, her 20th birthday. Her family and friends are walking the Great Hospital Hike in her loving memory and because of the incredible care and support her family and, more importantly, Mia received from the staff on the Christine Brown Critical Care Unit.
Mia sitting in a restaurant with a drink in her hand, smiling and looking at the camera.

Mia became suddenly and seriously unwell with Meningitis on the morning of Monday 2nd January this year.

She was taken to a local hospital that same day but by the evening she had been rushed to King's College Hospital, specifically the Christine Brown Ward, where she spent her final days surrounded by her close friends and family.  

That whole week was a whirlwind of emotion but a constant throughout those heartbreaking four days were the doctors, nurses and staff at King's. They were truly amazing!
Alex, Mia's dad

Alex said: "How does a doctor even begin to tell a parent that their child will not survive?! 

The care, love and consideration that the nurses showed to Mia (and our family) was incredible. They cared for her as if she was their own daughter. Although Mia was not conscious, they spoke to her throughout, letting her know what they were doing...whether they were treating her, turning her or simply putting glittery moisturiser on her after a wash."

We often thought how hard it must be for them to do their job whilst our world was shattering around them. 

We were given time with the Chaplain to pray and with Shalom from the Donor Support Team (Mia had registered to be an Organ Donor) to take handprints and strands of Mia's hair before she went down to theatre."

"Due to Mia's selfless act of being an organ donor, three people received life-saving organ transplants from our beautiful girl."
Alex Basford

Mia passed away on the 5th of January, her 20th Birthday. Mia's mum (Clare), dad (Alex), sister Lily and partner Sam were all by her side as she passed at 3.10 am. 

I really wish we could thank each member of staff personally for their support and we would love for them to be able to see Mia's story if possible and know what they all mean to us. Every single one of them are real-life superheroes and we are proud to help raise funds for this wonderful hospital at the Great Hospital Hike. Thank you to every one of you."
Mia's dad, Alex