On an average day, 174 people are admitted to one of King’s hospitals. An average day for the hospitals is an extraordinary day for Jessie, in need of a new liver; for Maurice, with kidneys ravaged by Covid; for Kanayo, losing her vision; for Charles in critical care, seeking a glimpse of the sky.
We are King's College Hospital Charity and King's patients and families are at the heart of what we do.
Every day King’s staff work wonders not only to save and enhance lives now, but to power the research and innovation that keeps care advancing. This incredible team counts on our support to take care further, going beyond what the NHS can provide to meet the needs of current and future patients.
Together, we can make the best care possible.
The change we are working towards
Making the best care possible means supporting innovative research and pioneering treatment that develops King's world-leading specialisms and meets the emerging needs of King's patients, families and communities.
It means finding new ways to improve how people experience King's care and treatment, focusing especially on where we can make the biggest difference for growing numbers of people living with frailty in our communities, who need the best care to keep them safe and supported in our hospitals and beyond.
Better patient and visitor experience of our hospitals
We want people to feel welcomed rather than bewildered when they arrive at hospital.
We want patients to feel involved in their treatment and care.
We want patients to feel the hospital environment provides stimulation, human connection and the right level of comfort to support their recovery.
We want patients, families and friends to experience less stress, anxiety and isolation in our hospitals.
We want patients to spend optimal time in hospital, making best use of their time in King’s care to support long term health.
We want patients to feel supported before and after their treatment and in between appointments, so no-one feels abandoned and King’s care can make the biggest long term impact.
We want patients to be able to adapt to the changes to their world that can follow hospital care.
We want patients with frailty, whatever their age or condition, to have the equipment, facilities, people and whatever else they need to feel positive in King’s care and to maximise their recovery.
More patients getting better care
We want more people in our communities to benefit from King’s treatment and care, with no-one left behind.
We want King’s patients to have access to the best available equipment and facilities.
We want more people to benefit from advances that King’s pioneering research, treatment and care makes possible.
We want patients who are experiencing or at risk of frailty to receive joined-up support and care that understands and addresses their needs.
As King's grapples with challenges from COVID-19 and a rapidly-changing NHS, we will focus our support where we can make the most impact, so together we are always doing our best for the patients, families and communities we serve.
How we are going to get there, with your support
This is our three-year strategy to make the best care possible.
Through targeted grant-making and partnership building we will keep supporting the pioneering work that enables the team at King’s to make a global impact. We will attend more closely than ever to patient experience, to help King’s root life-changing care in the needs of our communities and achieve the best outcomes for patients.
To make the biggest impact we will need to keep building income and support for our cause, developing the culture, systems and processes we need to make the most of our resources.
Improving patient and visitor experience of our hospitals
The best care makes patients feel seen, supported and involved.
From paediatrics to end-of-life care, and from the moment a patient sets foot in our door until after they are discharged, we will invest our resources where we can make the biggest difference to patients’ experience. Improving access, striving to make our hospital environments greener and calmer and using technology wisely, we will pay attention to details that make a game-changing difference to how people feel and a lasting improvement to their health.
We will ensure the improvements we generate make a difference for people with frailty.
To help patients get the most out of their time in King's care we will:
1) Focus on making patients feel welcome and relaxed in our hospitals, reducing confusion and stress.
2) Improve hospital facilities and services where they can better support patients’ progression and recovery.
3) Develop targeted support for patients before, during and after their treatment, so they get the most long-term benefit from their stay in our hospitals.
4) Strengthen local connections and pathways to help anchor King’s services firmly in our local communities.
5) Support staff to do their best for patients and families.
Developing better treatments and care for more people
The best care is constantly advancing as cutting-edge research uncovers new possibililties and technology and innovation drive pioneering care and treatment forward.
Our role is to fund research, projects and enhancements that help keep this cutting edge sharp, supporting King’s to build on clinical strengths and world-class specialist services. Through this work, we create new possibilities for life-changing care and treatment, both for people in the communities King's serves and far beyond. From major projects that transform life chances to additional equipment that enables more effective ways of working, we're here to support innovation and excellence that would not otherwise be possible.
Frail patients will be a special focus. Among the most disadvantaged of the people in King's care, their lives are precarious so we want to ensure they can benefit from the better care and treatment.
To take the best care further and wider we will:
1) Fund research into treatments and care benefitting patients at King’s and further afield.
2) Ensure best treatments and care reach everybody in the care of King’s.
3) Use technology effectively to further treatment and care.
4) Support people to take care and treatments further.
5) Support innovation and excellence that improves outcomes for patients experiencing or at risk of frailty.
6) Strengthen operational activities that support all of these objectives.
Building support for the best care
In recent years we’ve supported vital strides in treatment and care, transforming the survival rate of children with liver disorders, making heart surgery safer, reducing brain damage in premature babies and much more besides.
We have many more leaps still to make. Working together with partners, funders and a growing movement of supporters, we will mobilise all those who recognise the importance of supporting King's life-changing care and treatment, so together we can make the biggest impact.
To raise the income we need to make the best care possible we will:
1) Increase our sustainable, unrestricted income in the immediate and medium to long term, to enable freedom of strategic decision making.
2) Support specific departments to raise restricted income to benefit more patients, through new research, improved patient experience, innovation and excellence in treatment and care, and through development of a potential capital appeal.
3) Build awareness of our cause, throughout our hospitals and beyond.
Being our best in all we do
We can only make the best care possible by living up to the trust our partners and supporters place in us to achieve the greatest impact for King’s patients. By living and breathing our values we will keep exceeding expectations.
Over the next three years we will balance ambition and creativity with care and integrity, holding ourselves to the highest standards of governance, strengthening our systems, investing in our staff and volunteers and working collaboratively to achieve the very best results for King's patients, families and communities.
To ensure we make the very most of all our resources we will:
1) Maintain best practice governance processes
2) Invest in our people to develop their skills and experience, ensure their health & wellbeing and strengthen our culture and diversity through living our values
3) Develop effective systems and processes.
4) Manage our financial resources for the benefit of our current and future beneficiaries and in accordance with our supporters’ wishes.